Martes, Hulyo 3, 2018

Quality Inventory Support System

Whole sale and retailing business in order to thrive, relies on stocks of goods. It is the life of these businesses because if there are no stocks left, no money and profit will come in for there are no goods to sell.

Stocks, although, doesn’t guarantee money, for most of the times these goods do came in with their respective expiration date. Add to the problem is the anticipation of the customers that sometimes lead to shortages, and If the business seems to be unlucky in the current season, there will be surpluses. That’s why an automated inventory system is handy in order to solve these common scenarios in our businesses.

The developers of Qtech created one of the best inventory systems.  Introducing, the QIss or the Quality Inventory Support System.

The QIss comes with handy features such as customer’s last given price for you to adjust the price to your “suki” and in order to do customer transaction monitoring. Sales monitoring can be also be done with this system in order for you to periodically check your sales.

Item tracking is added to the list of features for you to easily monitor the history of transactions.
If your business comes in with branches and is deployed in several scattered areas, don’t consider these as a problem, for this software supports multiple warehouse stock tracking with no hassle included. Stocks are also color coded for easier identification of items in terms of maximum, critical, re-order, and zero levels and also to give you an alert of the status of your stocks.

The QIss can also be integrated with other technologies, you can also integrate this system to a Point of Sale system in order to increase the efficiency. Not only that, this software also implements the barcode technology, for you in order to encode a lot of goods easily in less time.

Qtech’s Quality Inventory Support System or QIss is the solution that you’re looking for your inventory problems. It’s time for you to implement this solution and watch to see the changes regarding to your business with this software. Assured quality is brought to you by Qtech.

For Inquiries:
Call us @ (042) 713 1256 / +639952027791 / +639284898533
E-mail us:

Lunes, Hulyo 2, 2018

Quality Point of Sale System (Restaurant Base)

Are you tired of making reports of food sales out of your manual system?

Have you noticed that your food has been becoming bland, and tasteless due to the lack of ingredients within your inventory?

Lastly, do the stack of orders after orders of the customers confuses you in which one to process first and which one to set aside?

Say no more, because us at Qtech Business Solutions Incorporated, has created a solution for your restaurant problems.

Introducing the QResto – the software application specifically designed for Restaurant operation.
The QResto application is a Window-based POS (point-of-sale) application specifically designed for Restaurant operations. It has a touchscreen capability which allows you to make transactions on your computer screen.

An Order by table or by customer feature is added. Table features such as occupancy timer, merging of bills and viewing of orders have been integrated to this system to give you details about what’s happening within your restaurant.

A lite inventory of food items is stored within the system to keep track of the items added and removed in your inventory such as refilling and consumption. Never ran out of ingredients again with this feature.

Modification, cancellation/voiding of transactions also exists for editing and customizing old and present transactions if incase mistakes have been made in a particular transaction.
Does your restaurant want to offer discounts to your customers? Discounts can be tweaked and made with the discounting options of the system.

BIR x and z reports can be viewed in the system, with no added complications and hassle free.
User access level and audit trail feature is added to ensure the security and to keep track of the transactions that has been made while the system is used.

Overall, the QResto software application is a good business partner for restaurant owners and managers in managing their own restaurant. The automation that this system provides to the user is powerful enough to answer the needs of your restaurant. If you’re having problems regarding to the current processes or if you’re considering to start your own restaurant, QResto is definitely the software that you should have as a partner for your business. 

See the link below for product presentation:

For Inquiries:
Call us @ (042) 713 1256 / +639952027791 / +639284898533
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